Sadat X and Will Tell are Serious about Wine

Sadat X and Will Tell

Sadat X and Will Tell at Apricots & Honey Wine and Spirits in Mount Vernon, NY

I caught a Facebook post about Hip Hop God Sadat X and legendary Hip Hop producer Will Tell being at Apricots & Honey Wine and Spirits for a wine tasting. I thought it might be interesting since I never seen a wine label quite like this before. Both their red and white wines turned out to be very good, but the story behind the wine turned out to be far more fascinating.

True Wine Connoisseurs

Turns out that True Wine Connoisseurs started out as a joke. One night, Will Tell, instead of the usual bottle of Hennessy, he took a bottle of cheap GatoNegro to the studio just because he thought it would be funny to hear Sadat make up a commercial about this wine.
After that, Will started bringing a different—and better—wine to each session. They would film a new review and post it online. The fifth episode got something like 20,000 hits in a week. That’s when they knew that they were onto something. They then found they way into publications such as The Village Voice and The Wall Street Journal.
André Hueston Mack

André Hueston Mack

Initially, they both knew very little about wine, so Will took a job with Winebow, a distribution network that reaches over 70 percent of the wine consumption in the United States. They also teamed up with sommelier and winemaker André Hueston Mack. Will now works full-time building True Wine Connoisseurs.
Apricots & Honey Wine and Spirits

Apricots & Honey Wine and Spirits

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